Pozdrav iz Banjaluke!




        The name of the street dates back from 1878 when Austro-Hungarian troops were approaching Banjaluka, and when the merchant Toma Radulović, the untouchable master of the street, wrote a banner with Gospodska Street on it, and hung it on his building called Albania. After 1918 that unofficial name is most often used, inspite of the official name that was frequently changed.
         Buildings constructed in Gospodska Street at the beginning of the 20th century, today represent the main ambient value in the street. All of them were constructed as the result of the trading prosperity and the desire of the owners to present their style and their status in the society.

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Old postcards of Banjaluka
1897-1941 |  First postcards - Lithographies
Panoramic views of town  |  Kastel Fortress   |  Gornji Šeher | Marketplace
Through the streets of  Banjaluka  | Down Gospodska Street  | Schools of  Banjaluka
Religious facilities  |  Public facilities  | Hotels and cafes  |  Railway stations
Foundations of Banjaluka industry  |  River called Vrbas

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