Pozdrav iz Banjaluke!




      Whole social life of the pupils was controlled by school authorities. The pupils were forbidden to go to the cinema, which started to work in 1911. The Government announcement says: Cinema performances have been so popular with us for some time that the schoolchildren can be easily led into, which will cause them to waste a lot of time and money. Those performances, horrifying or obviously immoral, fire the imagination or provoke the sensuality of the youth not grownup yet, corrupting them like the worst reading. The school is responsible for preventing its youth from those performances and their fatal consequences. That’s why the schoolchildren are not to be allowed to attend those cinema performances, even accompanied by their parents. The parents should be adequately warned of the effects those performances could have on the young people.

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Old postcards of Banjaluka
1897-1941 |  First postcards - Lithographies
Panoramic views of town  |  Kastel Fortress   |  Gornji Šeher | Marketplace
Through the streets of  Banjaluka  | Down Gospodska Street  | Schools of  Banjaluka
Religious facilities  |  Public facilities  | Hotels and cafes  |  Railway stations
Foundations of Banjaluka industry  |  River called Vrbas

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